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How to Add Popup Window in Blogger

How to create a popup window for Blogger 

Popup window is an additional window that appears when someone click on that page where the Popup script is running.


  1. Login to your blogger  account
  2. Go to Dashboard >> layout and click “Add a Gadget” from sidebar or footer
  3. Open HTML/JavaScript gadget
  4. Add the following script in HTML/JavaScript content area and click save.

See the Pen Popup Window appears when Someone Click on a Page by Virender Bartwal (@bartwal) on CodePen.

<script type="text/javascript"> 

{'','poppage','toolbars=0, scrollbars=1, location=-4, statusbars=1, menubars=0, resizable=0,width=1400,height=668,left=1,top=-180','_self');

You can Adjust the height and width of the popup page.  

Why should I use it:
  1. When Someone clicks on the anywhere in the page a popup would appear.
  2. You can Use it as a referral traffic for your website or a particular post. 
Drawbacks: It would increase your website bounce rate because if someone landed on your site. and click suddenly a popup appears which send user to referral website or post. If it is not meaningful he suddenly closes your the popup. This increases your Bounce Rate.

*  Bounce Rate: Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who come to your website and leave without viewing any other pages on your website.