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Convert Google Analytics Avg. Session Duration Numbers into Time ( hh:mm:ss ) format

Today I was trying to download All Pages or Channels reports from Google Analytics as an Excel spreadsheet, I noticed that avg. time on page and avg. session duration time data look a little different like a number. This is just because after I downloaded report as excel, these time metrics data are formatted as numbers showing the number of seconds, rather than the hh:mm:ss format. I came to a solution where I have convert that data into time.
  1. Insert a new column in your sheet.
  2. Add the formula, =TEXT(TIME(,,D2),"hh:mm:ss". The TIME function converts your time elapsed in seconds to a portion of a day.
  3. You can also do this by this formula.  =D2/60/60/24 , and change it into time form numbers. 
  4. Drag and drop on all column values.
  5. Copy and paste it as a values.
That's all !!

Method 1: =TEXT(TIME(,,D2),"hh:mm:ss"

Method 2: =D2/60/60/24