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What is HTML to XML Parser tool?

HTML to XML Parser is a free tool that converts HTML code into XML code, which you can use in your own coding website project. Instead of spending your time manually parsing code, you can use a simple conversion program to easily convert any HTML code into XML. You can use this ‘HTML to XML parser tool to convert your adsense, chitika, adbrite, analytics script, infolink ad code and any other HTML code into XML, freely. 


When I added the Google Tag Manager script to my Blogger theme, I was getting the following error message:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 22; columnNumber: 43; The reference to entity "l" must end with the ';' delimiter.

This a problem with blogger and Google Tag Manager—blooger parses all content as XML, which can cause issues with GTM tags. by replacing & into & will resolve this issue 

How to Convert HTML to XML?

Step 1: Put your HTML or JavaScript code inside the HTML code.
Step 2: At the same time, you'll get your converted XML code in the XML section.
Step 3: After copying the code, you can paste it into your blog's HTML code section.

How HTML to XML parser tools Works?

The following symbols or codes will be converted into unique codes (entity code) as follows.

< &lt;
> &gt;
& &amp;
" &quot;
' &#039;

Where HTML to XML parser tools is mostly used??

With our HTML to XML online converter, you can convert your Google adsense, Google Tag manager Script, chitika, or any other HTML code into XML coding that is compatible with blogger templates.

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