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Displaying Dynamic Author Profile Name & Author Bio in Your Blogger Theme

E-A-T is an SEO acronym that stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is a set of guidelines Google's search evaluators use to assess website credibility and content quality. Whether or not your website demonstrates E-E-A-T will affect your page quality score and ranking. To align it with your blogger template with EAT update and enhance the user experience, it is essential to showcase the author's information dynamically in your Blogger theme. In this guide, I will share my expertise on how to implement dynamic author profile name and author bio in your Blogger theme, allowing you to optimize your website for SEO and establish EAT signals.

Understanding the SEO EAT Update:

In recent years, search engines have become more focused on understanding the expertise and authority of content creators. This update emphasizes the importance of providing transparent and credible author information to users. By displaying dynamic author profile details, such as the author's name and bio, you not only enhance the overall user experience but also signal to search engines that your content is trustworthy and authored by knowledgeable individuals.

Differentiating Static and Dynamic Author Information:

Before diving into the implementation process, it is crucial to differentiate between static and dynamic author information. Static author information remains constant throughout your website, while dynamic author information pulls real-time data from the author's profile, allowing for automatic updates whenever the author's details change.

Implementing Dynamic Author Profile in Your Blogger Theme:

Step 1: Access the Blogger Theme HTML:
To begin, access the HTML code of your Blogger theme. In your Blogger dashboard, navigate to the "Theme" section and click on "Edit HTML" to access the underlying code.

Step 2: Identify the Author Profile Section:
Locate the section of the HTML code that corresponds to the author profile display. This may vary depending on your theme and the placement of the author information. Common locations include the sidebar, post header, or author-specific sections.

Step 3: Retrieve the Dynamic Author Information:
To display dynamic author profile information, you will need to retrieve the relevant data from the author's profile. In Blogger, this information is typically stored in the "About Me" section of the user profile.

Step 4: Implement the Dynamic Author Profile Code:
Insert the following code snippet within the appropriate HTML tags to display the dynamic author profile name and bio:

Step 5: Customize the Styling (Optional): Customize the CSS styles of the author profile section to ensure it seamlessly integrates with your Blogger theme. Adjust the font, colors, margins, and other visual elements as desired to create a cohesive and visually appealing display. Step 6: Save and Preview Your Changes: Once you have implemented the dynamic author profile code and made any necessary styling modifications, save the changes to your Blogger theme. Preview your blog posts to ensure that the dynamic author profile name and bio are displayed correctly.

  <div class='author' id='author-img'>
  	<img expr:src='data:post.authorPhoto.url' itemprop='image'/>
  <div class='author' id='author-bio'>
    <div class='author-name'><strong><></strong></div>
  	<div class='author-description'><data:post.authorAboutMe/><></div>