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First-Click Attribution Model

First-Click Attribution Model Explained with Examples:

The first-click attribution model attributes 100% of the credit for a conversion to the first marketing touchpoint a user interacted with during their customer journey. In this model, the initial touchpoint is considered the most influential in driving the conversion. Let's explore this attribution model through examples:

Example 1: E-commerce Purchase

Imagine a user's journey to purchase a new laptop:

  1. They click on a Google Ads search ad promoting laptops.
  2. Later, they receive an email with a special discount on laptops.
  3. Ultimately, they visit the website through an organic search result and make the purchase.

In the case of the first-click attribution model, the entire credit for the laptop purchase would be assigned to the Google Ads search ad. This is because it was the initial touchpoint that introduced the user to the product.

Example 2: Subscription Sign-Up

Consider a scenario where a user subscribes to a streaming service:

  1. They come across a YouTube video review of the streaming service.
  2. They see a Facebook ad highlighting exclusive content on the service.
  3. Finally, they click on a retargeting display ad and sign up for the service.

In the context of the first-click attribution model, the YouTube video review would receive full credit for the subscription sign-up. This is because it was the first interaction that introduced the user to the streaming service.

Example 3: Travel Booking

Imagine a traveler planning a vacation:

  1. They see an engaging infographic on Pinterest about a popular travel destination.
  2. Later, they receive an email newsletter from a travel agency with deals for that destination.
  3. They ultimately perform a Google search, click on an organic result, and book a vacation package.

According to the first-click attribution model, the Pinterest infographic would be credited with the entire booking. This is because it was the initial touchpoint that sparked the user's interest in the travel destination.

Advantages and Considerations:


  • Emphasis on Discovery: The model recognizes the importance of the initial introduction to a product or service.
  • Reflects Top-of-Funnel Impact: It acknowledges the role of upper-funnel marketing efforts in driving user awareness.


  • Ignores Later Interactions: The model doesn't consider touchpoints that may have guided the user's decision later in their journey.
  • Less Accurate for Direct Response: In cases where a user converts shortly after the first interaction, this model might not fully capture the user's journey.

While the first-click attribution model can provide insights into how initial touchpoints drive user engagement, it's essential to choose an attribution approach that aligns with your marketing goals and accurately represents the contribution of various touchpoints throughout the customer journey.